Hi everybody! Here are pictures of several batches of raw Vegan Dark Chocolate I made in Hawaii. And this beautiful raw Vegan Birthday Cake at a party I went to!
And here is my girlfriend Talia and I with big organic Jackfruit she has growing in her front yard. Wow!
Lotus Flower Raw Vegan Chocolate Raw Vegan Date Chocolate Raw Vegan Birthday Cake Fresh Cacao Pods Yum! Nut based creaminess Talia’s Jackfruit Tree Raw Vegan Mac Nut Goji Berry Chocolate
Here are more organic home grown Microgreen pictures. And during one of my beach hikes, my friend & I are were delighted to discover natural Hawaiian Sea Salt! It was SO much fun harvesting this Sea Salt fresh from the rocks. Yum!! It’s really tasty.
Sunflower Greens Sea Salt Radish & Kohlrabi Sprouts Microgreens & Mountain Apples Sea Salt on the Rocks Kale, Collard & Turnip Microgreens Microgreens, Mountain Apples & Cucumber Giant Water Lily Edible Weeds Salad
Here are pictures of different Beach hikes during the super sunny Summer weather, a huge bunch of fresh picked organic Hawaiian Mangoes, and ripe Lychee fruit on the tree. Yum!
Swimming hole for Sea Turtles North Shore Lychees Organic Hawaii Mangoes Fresh Organic Lychees Jump for Joy!