The Fake & Phony Sissy Smoothie Fast

Happy & Healthy


I’m very proud of myself for completing ONE (1) full day of my Fake & Phony Sissy Smoothie Fast! Hooray!! You may be a Fasting Expert, capable of “juice feasting” or even surviving on water only for months at a time, but I am not. I love to eat!

My metabolism is really high and I’m not going to skip any workouts, even for a single day, so I get REALLY Hungry and VERY Crabby when I don’t eat. Friends say this hungry, sick and crabbiness goes away in a few days….wow…a few days???? Needless to say I’ve never made it to that point. But I applaud all you Fabulous Fasters out there!!

I wanted to try a super EASY fast, (which isn’t really even a fast since it includes smoothies) but it’s still a good, quick simple detox. And you could do this fast for a few days and transition to a more intense fast if you felt like it.

I’ve been a raw vegan for over 10 years and like to think my daily diet is pretty healthy & cleansing already (green smoothies, veggie juice, sprouts, giant salads, lots of fruit) but a lot of experts endorse fasting, so I’d like to start off on this Sissy Smoothie fast and see how often I can do it (twice a month??) or whether I’ll feel like transitioning into a regular Juice Fast because of it.

So on my ONE DAY Fake & Phony, Sissy Smoothie Fast, I had 2 Green Smoothies, 1 blended up Watermelon (that sounds piggy now, ha!!) coconut water, the unfortunate Horrifically Healthy Veggie Juice and a Fruit Smoothie (farm picked fresh frozen apricots, passionfruit, bee pollen and coconut water)

I didn’t really feel much different the next day (probably because it wasn’t a real fast) But it sure was a FAST fast, ha!!!!! And my tummy was really flat the next day. Good if you had an important event or party to go to or outfit you wanted to fit into! Or a bikini shoot 🙂

Please consult your medical practitioner before starting any kind of fast