Thanksgiving in a Bikini

Fun Adventures Happy & Healthy

It’s my favorite time of year here in Southern California, late Summer through Fall. Gorgeous warm weather, perfect blue skies and glorious Sunsets!

I’m looking forward to a plant based raw VEGAN Thanksgiving with friends & family 🙂 I’m hoping the super warm Beach Weather continues into December! It’s been in the mid 80’s for the last few days. I love it!

It’s usually still warm enough on Thanksgiving to wear a Bikini and sun bathe on the Beach.

And a lot of my favorite Fruit is in Season during August – November. Cherries, Figs, Melons, Dragon Fruit and giant Mangoes in late summer. Then Guavas, Persimmons, Pomegranates and Jujubes in the Fall!

I got to visit a Turtle and Tortoise sanctuary recently and the giant land tortoises were incredible!! This one below wanted to be petted. So cute!! They like their heads, necks and shells scratched and petted. They were busy eating left over Halloween pumpkins!!

I’ve been baby sitting a Water Turtle and I never knew how much personality they have! I also learned that the San Diego Turtle & Tortoise Society takes in over 100 unwanted aquarium turtles every month 🙁 so sad!!

People buy them and then don’t want them anymore. So if you’re looking for a water turtle please adopt!

Below is a beautiful, huge (no longer living) moth my boyfriend found preserved in perfect condition. I love moths & butterflies! My boyfriend had way too much fun hiding this moth in different spots to scare me…he got a lot of mileage out of that joke!