Supersonic Smoothies

Fun Adventures Happy & Healthy

Hi everybody! I hope you’re all having a fantastic 2020 so far. We’ve had some warm sunny winter weather here in Hawaii which is great after all the rain.

Green Weed Smoothies

I’ve been blending up some crazy Superfood Smoothies with super nutritious weeds & plants most people don’t know are even edible!

Pacific Spinach, Okinawan Spinach, Brazilian Spinach, Malabar Spinach with the dark purple berries, Plantain, Chicory, Dandelion, cranberry Hibiscus, Katuk, Purslane and Moringa. Many of these Greens make it into almost every Green Smoothie I make!

Super Exotic Fruit Smoothies

I was especially excited with 3 BRAND NEW Superfood Smoothies I concocted this past week.

One was with the incredible Blackberry Jam fruit. It’s crazy! You cut open these pale yellow pods and squeeze out something that looks & tastes like blackberry jam!! It does have a lot of very hard seeds though.

So I blended it with a little water and voila! It made an absolutely divine drink, just the fruit with a little water, that tasted a little like Acai. Deep dark purple color!!

The second Smoothie I was ecstatic over was the Java Plum Smoothie. They grow all over here in Hawaii and most people never eat them. But they’re a gorgeous deep dark purple color and SO good for you!

They’re highly perishable because they’re very soft. But I managed to collect a fair amount, pitted them and blended them up with Blueberries. Spectacular taste and color!!

The third Smoothie was Turmeric/Ginger/Pineapple/Mango/Noni . It’s a nutritional powerhouse! Wow! The fresh turmeric & ginger give it a real kick.

Noni fruit is considered a very powerful healer. I used it white, just before it gets really soft, ripe and starts to smell horrible like stinky cheese. Ha! I also did a variation using Passionfruit instead of Mango. Yum!!

Stay tuned for more raw vegan Superfood Smoothie blends…Hawaiian style!