Superfood Snack Attack!

Fun Adventures Happy & Healthy

I got back from Hawaii just in time for my FAVORITE event of the whole year! We had an incredible time at Expo West, the gigantic health food and natural products convention in Anaheim. The people, products and energy is absolutely awe inspiring!

This year it was packed and there were superfood snacks GALORE. I allowed myself to pig out more than usual 🙂 because it only comes once a year! Of course we both got tummy aches later. Ha!!! Too many treats…

There was so much decadent vegan chocolate, vegan ice cream, snack bars, energy bars, milks, cheeses, and the vegan “mock meats” were astonishing.

I sampled as many as I could but a few were too much like the real thing for me! In sight, smell, taste and texture…these fake vegan meats tasted like the real thing! 

As usual, I high tailed it to the Daiya vegan Cheese and Dairy booth because they have a dazzling array of free desserts and entrees. They were giving away whole vegan ice cream bars and there was a stampede going on. Ha!!

I can’t wait until next year….I wish this event lasted a whole month….