Sprout Your Heart Out!

Happy & Healthy

Hi everybody! Can you believe it’s almost October already? We’re still having a hot summer here in S. Cal. With a few heat waves! 

It’s been a delightfully DELICIOUS Summer of Melons, Cherries, Peaches, Apricots, Nectarines, White Sapotes, and now that it’s fall, Persimmons are here!

We ate a LOT of super sweet yummy Berries this summer. Big giant Blackberries, Raspberries and Blueberries!


I’m totally Loving my new Sprout Your Heart Out method of sprouting, which is SO EASY!

Just soak organic sprouting seeds in mason jars over night, sprout for a few days in a dark place with no sunlight, rinsing twice a day and then transfer them to plastic containers, either clear plastic shoe boxes with lids or smaller ones with latching lids.

This makes them grow BIGGER, taller and happier! I spritz with water a few times a day.

I like to keep the lids on until they grow taller, to create a greenhouse environment.

These boxes with latching lids make the sprouts SO much easier to transport, if you go away for the weekend, or need to take them with you 🙂

Sprouts are CHEAPEASY, versatile, fresh & delicious! Add to Salads, Wraps, Smoothies, Juices! 

Want more info? Check out these 2 FANTASTIC Blog Posts about How To Sprout.

And lots more information on the HUGE variety of WHAT you can sprout!

Here are the Sprouts I like to grow together in the same jar, to save space and because they have similar growing times & grow well together: 

Fenugreek + Mung, Lentils + Garbanzo + Peas + Black Eyed Peas, Alfalfa + Red Clover, Broccoli + Radish,  Sunflower Greens, Buckwheat Greens. And of course Wheatgrass!

Miraculously, I don’t use ANY SOIL when growing my Wheatgrass, Sunflower Greens or Buckwheat Greens….just WATER! Wheatgrass can’t get too wet on the bottom of the tray.

And I’ve found it’s easier to use raw Sunflower Seeds WITHOUT their shell (picking out broken ones which will rot when sprouting) and unhulled Buckwheat Groats IN their shell.

There are MORE sprouts you can grow too….and more beans!! It’s such a FRESH, FUN, CHEAP, EASY and Super HEALTHY way to eat Organic!

These little baby plants are BURSTING with enough energy and nutrition to grow into a big plant. I believe that Sprouts are one of the most NUTRITIOUS things you can eat!

Disclaimer: Please know that there have been reports of possible salmonella or e. coli on some sprouts. Sprout at your own risk 🙂
