Secrets to a Smoother Smoothie

Happy & Healthy


Apricot nectarine smoothie
Apricot nectarine smoothie

Unless you have a really expensive, wonderful and powerful blender that is 🙂

But if you have a cheaper blender, this is a really good trick to make your smoothies extra smooth! Especially when blending up fresh fruit.

We’ve been picking so many apricots on the farm lately and I wanted to make smoothies out of them.

So I blended up 4-5 apricots, 2-3 nectarines with some apple juice and the taste was amazing! But there were all kinds of little apricot fuzzy particles. Yuck!

So I just strained the entire smoothie through a fine strainer into a giant bowl. It was amazing! So sweet, smooth and creamy. The two fruits are SO good together!

I also made a bunch of apricot/pineapple fruit leather which was delicious, but too tart. So I took a big piece and put it in apple juice in the blender and let it soak until softer. Then I added a couple nectarines and blended it up.

Yum!! It was really good! I strained that too to get it super smooth.

This trick for especially terrific for passionfruit, pineapple and raspberries and blackberries. So you can love the flavor and leave the and seeds! 🙂