Seattle SuperFoods

Happy & Healthy

I Almost KISSED a Cormorant!

We had a BIG feathery overnight guest when I recently Rescued this CUTE Cormorant from the beach who could barely walk and couldn’t fly.

Read to see how I carried his huge wiggly bird body and sharp pointy beak all the way home in my arms, without losing a nipple, finger or nose!

Seattle SuperFoods

I had the most fabulous, fresh, healthy and extra FUN time in the gorgeous Pacific NW with my family & friends, hiking, running through the forests and going on day trips and beautiful adventures. They’re having a very sunny warm summer and it’s a spectacular place, especially when the sun’s out!

Wild Greens & Berries abound up there in summer, so I feasted on sweet tart Evergreen Huckleberries, red Huckleberries, luscious Blackberries, and made giant Green Smoothies from Stinging Nettles (ouch! treacherous to pick) Horsetail and Dandelion Greens

It was thrilling to visit incredibly beautiful wild spots in Anacortes, Granite Falls and enjoy the green forests, rocky beaches and rivers and the cold clean water of the Puget Sound.

LOVE summer there!! 🙂

Who Lives in a Fairy Tale Forest?

There’s so much amazing wildlife up there! My mom, the Queen of the Forest, is SO beloved by all the birds & animals that the Chickadees will eat out of our hands 🙂

We also got to visit my wonderful ex-clown (we were clowns together in Seattle!) friend Angela’s magical property, right along a river with a mossy green Fairy Forest!

She and her family decided to save this gorgeous piece of wilderness instead of selling it for tons of $ to be clear cut like so many other forests up there, and turned into just another sub-division.

The animals & trees thank her! There are coyotes, bears, and tons of other very grateful birds beasts and bugs 🙂