Persimmons Galore

Happy & Healthy

Hi everybody! Welcome to our BRAND NEW site! With a brand new Online Store, featuring our newest product, Fruit Gift Boxes! This way you can get a sample of all our spectacular delicious organic fall fruit. We also have Avocado Gift Boxes and Citrus Gift Boxes.

We got so many wonderful yummy Persimmons last week, pomegranates, avocados, pink guavas, pineapple guavas and even some Cherimoyas and Mangos!! Wow! So thrilling 🙂 I tried one of the cherimoyas already, it was sooooo good! We picked more of the cute little Lotus Persimmons, which I call Persimmon Berries, and we were calling Native American Persimmons. Now we know what they really are! I love them.

It rained recently and the ground was covered in Pineapple Guavas. They are totally incredible. YUM!! So sweet, tart and tropical. One of the really beautiful Pink Guava trees is just starting to ripen and it has TONS of fruit on it. Oh dear! We need a lot of people to help us eat them. The other tree is about half way done I think. I’m so glad they don’t all ripen at once! Mother Nature is so fascinating that way. We were able to get some really extra special rare Persimmons, just a small amount, and of course lots more of the beautiful Fuyu and and sugar sweet Hachiya. There are only a few white sapotes left and I really hope we get some more because I am so in love with them. They make the creamiest and best smoothies!

I was delighted to get a big bag of all different avocados, Lamb Hass, Reed, Bacon, and Fuerte! Plus there are so many shiny black Pueblo Avocados that are ripe. They are silky and creamy! So many sweet juicy oranges too, and meyer lemons. That’s what I use for my salad dressing, every single night! Just one avocado chopped up, orange & lemon or lime juice, sea salt and cayenne pepper. Simple and fabulous!!