Persimmon Passion

Happy & Healthy


We are missing our beloved sweet Persimmons! The poor trees on the farm look so bare and stick like. We do have a precious few left but they’re going fast. Mmmm….I love  persimmon cinnamon smoothies and I’m sure going to miss them until next fall. Yikes!! Luckily, pink guavas are still going strong. Like they don’t even know it’s winter, ha!! We also found some unexpected Passionfruit hiding in the leaves. What a treat! Cherimoyas are still going, and we’ve picked a bunch of White Sapotes the last few weeks. Yay!! The wind has been knocking them to the ground, but thank heavens there are still some clinging to the branches.

Avocados are still wonderful, fuertes and pueblos. And the citrus!! Oh my!! Sweet and refreshing blood oranges, tangerines like candy and extra big juicy navel oranges. Wow!!! Pounds and pounds of juicy oranges and lovely perfume-y Meyer Lemons. I want to smell like a Meyer Lemon 🙂 I absolutely love a few blood oranges or navels with a lemon squeezed over my salad every night. They make the perfect dressing, especially with diced avocados! Here are Zela, Brian & I picking fruit. Look at this beautiful Heart Shaped Cherimoya that Brian picked!! Please see our amazing organic Fruit in our Online Store 🙂