Now This is a Super Salad

Happy & Healthy


I finally weighed one of my salads, and wow!! They are heavy!! This would be a really expensive salad if I bought it at the Whole Foods salad bar. Ha!! This is what I eat for dinner every single night. They’re SO good!! I’ve been loving Butter Leaf lettuce lately and been lucky enough to get really tender organic heads. Funny, I was so enchanted with spring mix for so long, and now I’m in love with cabbage and lettuce, ha!! I’ve also been chopping up shallots in place of onions and they’re delicious.

The organic tomatoes have been so sweet, from tiny crispy grape ones to larger bright red cocktail tomatoes. And the giant fat creamy rich avocados are back at my favorite store, yay!!! Because the Hass still aren’t ripe yet on the Farm.

Here I am  with 2 beautiful artichokes. I love artichokes! Do you know they’re high in antioxidants, may help prevent cancer, reduce cholesterol, are fantastic for your liver & gallbladder, can help a hangover?? and are full of fiber!! Yay, artichokes! I happily ate these as a midnight feast the other night. I just simmer until tender and eat them plain. They’re soooooo fun to eat! They take forever 🙂 A good healthy filling snack, low in calories and tons of fiber and nutrients!

Another snack I like late at night (I know, I know, you’re not supposed to eat at night 🙂 But I stay up super late and get so hungry!!) are fruit smoothies, and this PassionFruit Smoothie is totally amazing. Mango, banana, fresh picked organic passionfruit from the Farm and coconut juice. Incredible and so tropical!!

Plus I’ve been making raw vegan Chocolate lately, little decadent chocolate balls made from honey dates, cashews, pecans. And last night I made Chocolate Coconut Fudge, from coconut cream, cacao, and shredded coconut. Yum!!!! Hmmm…I keep forgetting I’m supposed to lay off the chocolate for Bikini Season. Oh well!!! 🙂