Nettle Mettle

Happy & Healthy

Hi everybody! I’m delighted with all the wild Greens I have growing right now. I lucked out and got to harvest a bunch of wild Stinging Nettles, which are incredibly nutritious. Also gorgeous and flashy Magenta Lamb’s Quarter. I juiced, dried and replanted all of them like crazy!

So I’m overjoyed to have a small patch of Nettles and the Lamb’s Quarter that are growing now, along with another fascinating weed, Petty Spurge, which is supposed to get rid of warts & moles as well as ward off evil? Wow! That’s impressive for a little weed!

I also have ChickweedChicoryNew Zealand Spinach and Dandelions growing.

It’s so fun to be able to pick a huge variety of these weeds and greens to use in Green Smoothies, Juices and Salads!