My Probiotic Is Hypnotic

Happy & Healthy


At least I hope it is! Last night it seems to have hypnotized me right out of eating chocolate after dinner!

Usually an hour after my gigantic dinner salad, my naughty taste buds, who don’t care at all about wearing bikinis or fitting into jeans (not their problem) start firing on all cylinders demanding that dark chocolate gets delivered into my mouth immediately.

Last night, astoundingly, I didn’t get into any chocolate wrappers at all! I went dessert-less (except for a glass of chocolate coconut water!) and instead had a huge bowl of lightly steamed asparagus at midnight. Yum!

I’ve been taking a brand new probiotic, Pearls IC by Enzymatic,  and they must have lulled my taste buds into a fog of forgetfulness. Excellent!

I feel more energetic and zippy and my tummy is flatter than usual.

I also take the Nature Made triple probiotic, which cleverly combines vitamins too. I’m going to keep buying and trying different brands! Next I’ll try Jarrow.

Probiotics are popular right now, so you’ll see a lot of commercials for them. Which is fantastic, since they boost immunity, aid digestion and help keep you feeling good!

Do you know that every one of us can have over 1000 different kinds of good bacteria living in our intestines, helping us digest food and absorb nutrients? Crazy!

Probiotics can really help with all kinds of digestive health issues, including IBS, Crohn’s disease, urinary health, women’s health, allergies, immunity and obesity.

Let’s hope my probiotics are hypnotic again tonight!

Please remember to always consult your health practitioner before taking supplements on any kind.