My Hawaiian Bikini Diet

Happy & Healthy

I just got back from Hawaii, and had a totally SUPER time! So many exciting adventures and fabulous friends, and took great pictures of my Bikini Models for my Bikini Business, BikiniFlirt. Tons of incredible hikes, fun days at the beach, and seeing whales leap all the way out of the water!

One day, we saw 2 huge (about 40 feet) whales jumping out of the water together, with their whole bodies and tails out of the ocean, making huge “boom” sounds when they hit the waves again.

I had planned to ship lots of Bikinis while I was there so I could keep up on work, but it proved extremely challenging. I had stuffed about 40 pounds of bikinis into my suitcase in anticipation. Ha!!

But it wasn’t as easy as I expected. My laptop didn’t want to connect anywhere, and I had trouble finding an internet connection along with a printer.

The few bikinis I was able to ship are still floating around someplace, since the shipping times from Hawaii back to the mainland and to international destinations seem slower.

Which brings me to my fantastic, wonderful Worry Wart Weightloss Plan! I worked myself up into such a twit not being able to get online and worrying about customers getting their bikinis, that I started losing weight!

Which was GREAT!! Not that I recommend worrying to lose weight 🙂 But that plus changing my diet & eating less made me lose about 5-6 lbs in a few days.

I was also going, going, going continuously. Driving all over the island, running, walking, hiking…Long days of fun activities!!

And I wasn’t eating as much as I do at home because I was SO BUSY and distracted by all the fun and beauty everywhere. I was mostly drinking Green Smoothies on the go. No chocolate since I’ve given that up for the past month (except for a tiny bite here & there)

My new  luscious Hawaii dessert was…Frozen dark red Cherries!!! These were divine. Huge, red and candy sweet!! I think by Townsend Farms?

So everyday, I’d have a couple Green Smoothies, some fresh Fruit, either another Green Smoothie for dinner or giant Salad, made with fresh delightful Earthbound Organics Power Greens. Yum!! Chia, Tahini & citrus Dressing with sea salt & cayenne.

Dessert would be frozen Cherries, defrosted a little, maybe a few soft Medjool Dates, and dried Calimyrna Figs. Yummy!!! Then I’d try to hide from the mosquitoes and fall asleep.

My friends said the local Farmers Markets had gotten too crazy & crowded, and that all the fresh local organic Greens usually sold out in the first 5 minutes. Yikes!! That sounded hectic, so I mostly shopped at Costco. The prices on the things I bought weren’t much higher than here on the mainland!!

I bought giant super sweet Royal Hawaiian Pineapples that made my whole room smell like Pineapple Perfume, frozen Cherries & Blueberries, dried Figs, Dates, and LOTS of Power Greens. I was eating about 1 POUND of greens per day!!

I was also able to get fresh Spring water, straight out of a mountain. Yum!! So fresh, sweet and clean! Sparkling pure water. Heavenly!