Marvelous May Mulberries

Happy & Healthy

Hi everybody! How are you? We’ve been going to the Farm almost every single weekend, picking so much super sweet citrus, glorious greens and marvelous Mulberries! It was a quick & early mulberry season this year, probably because of the heat waves we had, where it reached 100F at the Beach!

Poor berries! They dried up to a dark purple crisp. Luckily we got enough before that. Of course I would have loved to get more! But I have a few pounds in the freezer for future smoothies, so that’s good.

Before the heat, we were able to pick so MUCH yummy salty wild organic Swiss Chard, all types & flavors, which I juiced and made into green smoothies. And lots of fresh crisp and sweet Sugar Snap Peas. Yum!! 

We also got some Loquats and tons & tons of Blood Oranges and Meyer Lemons, which are still in season, thank heavens. I use them for my salad dressing every night and I also use the lemons in my veggie juice & wheatgrass juice.

I’ve been making a lot of raw vegan Chocolate, all types!! Maca, Flower infused, Herbal and my favorite, Monkey Fudge!! Bring on the Monkey Fudge. Mmmm it’s soft, chewy, full of dried cinnamon bananas and nuts and highly addictive. Today I made it with dried strawberries & bananas & cashews. I’ll be eating it for dessert!

I’ve also been eating a lot of dried Turkish Figs for dessert….oh I love figs SO much!!! I have several of those, then my homemade Chocolate while sipping herb tea…it’s bliss!! 🙂 I’ve been getting the organic dried figs at Costco for a ridiculously low price. So check your’s! They’re probably with the other dried fruit & nuts. They make a healthy dessert or yummy snack anytime!