I Dream in Green

Happy & Healthy


Do you know there are still TONS of Pink Guavas on the tree? It’s pure magic!

They’re falling off early but still ripening to a beautiful yellow color in the sun. We have a bunch in a sunny window sill and they are so fragrant!

And oranges, tangerines and lemons….there are millions on the trees!!!

I’m going to juice them and blend in passionfruit. Because every time we go pick fruit I find hidden passionfruit lying on the ground and get so excited! Like little presents 🙂

Mmm… and the Fuerte Avocados are so creamy!! Why are the biggest ones always at the very top of the trees?

Last week I was delighted because I had a tray of wheatgrass and juiced a huge amount every day. Whew!

Oh my, I drank a LOT of wheatgrass last week. And felt terrific!! That, along with fresh Veggie juice and of course my daily Green Smoothies with Aloe gave me soooo much energy!!

Plus the giant Cabbage Salads I’ve been having every single night for dinner. Or coleslaw, since it’s cut so small.

Wow! When will my cabbage onion salad obsession stop?? I’ve been adding in handfuls of fresh Sunflower Sprouts and they are so crispy and yummy.

The last few nights I’ve been dicing orange, yellow and red bell peppers, cucumbers & mincing garlic. The divine Cabbage combinations never stop!