Happy Holidays from Hawaii

Happy & Healthy

Hi everybody, Happy Holidays from Hawaii! Besides visiting Beaches and Waterfalls, I am starting my Superfood Garden of Greens 🙂

For the very first time I have enough space to grow a LOT of plants. So far I’ve planted a few trays of microgreens and lots of wild edible greens. Herbs like Thyme, Basil, Sage and Rosemary will be next. 

Starfruit is in season now, along with tons of different Avocados, all shapes, sizes and flavors, Papayas & Passionfruit (which are ripe off and on throughout of the year) Tangerines, Navel Oranges, Lemons and some sweet late season Mangoes

I can’t wait until I can grow enough Kale and other greens to have enough for Salads and Green Smoothies!

Check back soon, lots more pictures coming 🙂