Got Loquats?

Happy & Healthy


Wow, we’ve been having SO much fun lately! Sunny, warm, summery weather, lots of Fruit Picking and beach picnics. Check out our pictures below, most are still shots from our new Fruit picking video that will be up soon!

The Bikinis keep me wildly busy, so it’s nice to take a break and pick fruit & gaze at the ocean 🙂 and I love to wear Short Shorts while picking fruit. Actually I love to wear Short Shorts all the time!

And melons are in season again, yay! We’ve been buying the sweetest yummiest honeydew and golden dewlicious melons. Mmmm…I could practically live on melons! I’ve been good about growing sprouts lately, and am growing alfalfa, red clover, fenugreek and radish this week. The alfalfa & red clover I add to my morning Green Smoothies if I don’t eat them on salads.

On the farm we’ve been picking organic Loquats, mulberries, enormous Blackberries, the last of the creamy smooth Fuerte Avocados, the last of the blood oranges (oh how I’ll miss them!!!) and soooo many super sweet Sugar Snap Peas. There are TONS of loquats! The trees are loaded with them. And each tree tastes different.

I had so many Sugar Snap Peas this week, I had to juice them! And they made the best juice ever. Persian cucumbers, celery, carrots, beets, apples, ginger, turmeric, parsley, cilantro, lemon and LOTS of sugar snap peas. Yum!!

I’m busy making batch after batch of flax seed crackers. Experimenting with new recipes that have more veggies & less flaxseeds. My last batch was one of the yummiest so far! So light, crispy and full of flavor.

I also got some fascinating new herbs to make teas & tinctures with, Magnolia Bark, Bitter Orange (both of which are widely used in Chinese herbal medicine) and Shatavari, which is a famous Ayurvedic herb for women. I’ve been combining them with other herbs and making some tasty teas!

I visited my farmer friend last week and he gave me the cutest ever little baby purple Watercress plant from Brazil. It’s supposed to be amazingly good for you! It actually grows in water. So cute!