Free To Bee

Happy & Healthy

Yay!! It’s Cherry & Berry season!! I LOVE rainier & bing cherries…I think Cherries are my favorite fruit. And of course I love all kinds of berries. I’ve been eating them by the handful, bowlful and drenched in coconut cream. YUM!!

We were lucky to get some sweet tart Bosenberries at the Farm, and lots of giant sweet Blackberries. Ouch! At the price of stickles and prickles. Ha!

Dinner Theater’s for the Birds

Every night when I eat my salad I am entertained by a flurry of different birds in the backyard, and their new fledglings since it’s Baby Bird Season. Tonight I saw a Hummingbird family! One parent being chased by two slim tiny babies! I even saw one get fed. Sooooo CUTE!!! 

It’s amazing we have SO many birds & big butterflies fluttering around here. I really need to get a hummingbird feeder…and plant some flowers they’d like.

Bee Free!

This afternoon I rescued a wildly buzzing bee from a spiders web. Usually I don’t interfere, but I love bees, and this one was buzzing so loud. He wanted to live! 

That spider’s mad now. He’s going to crawl over my face later tonight. Yuck! I felt a little bad, but he’s big & fat.

The bee was in horrendous shape…almost completely mummified, with only 2 legs sticking out. Taking a small knife & tweezers, I gently placed him on a paper towel. He was still struggling a lot. I dropped a tiny bit of water over him to see if that helped get the webbing off. Not really!

For the next half an hour, I slowly and painstakingly tried to free his other legs. It was sooooo hard to get the sticky web off without hurting him! 

He became exhausted, barely moving. I didn’t think he’d make it. I had put a few drops of water & some agave on the paper towel, and his pink tongue started licking it. Bees have the coolest tongues!

I stopped working on him and he ate for such a long time! When I came back to check on him he was buzzing furiously but upside down, going around in tiny furious circles. Now it was really hard to work on him because he was moving & buzzing so fast!

His desire to live was SO STRONG and so desperate!


Believe and You Will BEE

After another half hour of agonizing work, I got his other front & back leg free, which was a miracle. That left his poor head and antennae, which were completely covered. He was trying desperately to get the webbing off himself.

It seemed like he was being especially cooperative…go ahead and make fun 🙂 but it really felt like he was working with me and trying to make it easier! We finally got his antennae out…that was a huge sticky clump that had been covering his whole head! 

He just had one clump left on his back end. He wriggled and wiggled his behind around like crazy and at last I was able to pull it off. WOW!! He was totally back to normal!! It was unbelievable!! He flew right out the door and landed on an oleander flower.

I was SO overjoyed!! Delighted!! Shocked! I know it sounds funny, but I was SO excited I was able to save him. So what if he’s just a bee? So what if he has a teeny short life span?

I love all creatures and I think it’s funny when people decide which ones are important and which ones we shouldn’t care about.

If you ever see a bee walking along the ground, they’ve run out of energy & need sugar. A drop of honey, agave, juice or soda will revive them & they’ll fly off!

Anyway, that hour the with bee made this a very special day. I feel like I connected with a creature who had a HUGE, powerful desire to LIVE! We all just want to BEE FREE 🙂