Flip Flopping Around in the Mud

Happy & Healthy


Yesterday was a rainy, cloudy wet day and we zoomed down to the farm to check on the Loquats and Mulberries.

I was wearing flip flops as usual, and it was very muddy flip flopping around!

The Loquats are just starting to get ripe, and they’re so sweet! Similar to apricots, with maybe a lighter, more subtle flavor?

Do you know that some loquats are fuzzy and some aren’t? So mysterious!

There are still tons of blood oranges everywhere, in the trees and all over the ground.

Lots of fuerte avocados too!! Plus we got a nice bag of yummy Purple Passionfruit.

The mulberries didn’t get enough water a few weeks back, so after their first glorious purple explosion, they became shriveled and are now trying to recover.

The trees are loaded with green and half red mulberries, fat and juicy. There are billions on the ground! So sad.

The pineapple guava trees have burst into flower and they are gorgeous!! Such exotic blossoms.

When we got back from the farm, I went into a Juicing Frenzy and made tons of Carrot/Celery/Beet/Bok Choy/Turmeric/Ginger juice. Whew!

Then I juiced wheatgrass. I’m so glad I have it again, I was out last week.

I really think Wheatgrass juice is one of the most amazing & health superfoods ever! Go Green!! 🙂