Double Your Desserts Diet

Happy & Healthy

It looks like I’ve created my own diet! The Double Your Desserts & Detox Diet. Where you get to eat MORE desserts than before!

Of course, you’ll also eat a LOT of fresh greens, spirulina, veggies, fruits, wheatgrass, veggie juices & detox herbs. Right on!! More desserts and no processed foods!

The magic of eating more dessert is to eat super HEALTHY desserts…all natural. I’m excited to see if this works! I want to have a really flat tummy for an upcoming tropical vacation so hopefully it does!

I’ve been on an herbal cleanse for about 3 weeks now, using a powerful herbal tincture I made myself. I’m also drinking detox teas, Green Smoothies, Sprouts, Seaweed, big Veggie Salads (with only citrus, avocado & hempseed oil as dressing) garlic and TONS of Wheatgrass & Veggie Juice.

What prompted this diet, besides wanting to wear bikinis on the beach, was a desire to kick a sweet, dark, nightly lifetime addiction.

For ages now I’ve tried to quit eating so much chocolate. Even though it was vegan & dark, it was still a fattening treat! Every night like clock work my taste buds would start clamoring for chocolate.

I have a HUGE stash of dark chocolate in the house at all times (whoops!!) and I LOVE to make raw vegan chocolate. All the ingredients are just ready and waiting in the kitchen,  calling my name.

Finally, I was fed up. Even with all those bars of luscious, divine, decadent dark chocolate singing my name I decided I would really try to to stop eating it, just for a little while. I know everybody says cacao is a superfood. And it probably is. But my waistline needs a break from cacao, along with it’s chunky friend cocoa butter.

Everything I had done before hadn’t worked. So I had to trick myself. I substituted my nightly dark chocolate indulgence with something fresh, new, surprising and delightful!! And…..shockingly….very fattening. Naturally fattening with a healthy plant based fat! That isn’t solid at room temperature. What is it?

Coconut Cream!

My Daily Diet is still mostly the same: Big Green Smoothie, Veggie Juice, fruit for snacks, Huge Dinner Salad, then Dessert!! Fruit or healthy snacks later if I’m still hungry.

But I really wanted to eat MORE dessert….so I decided that instead of eating chocolate, I would have dates as my first dessert of the evening. Mmmmm, I love sticky sweet dates! Bahri & honey dates are the BEST. They do make my fingers sticky when I’m trying to read, but oh well. They’re a totally natural treat! You can pit them and stuff them with nuts too. Yum!!

Luckily, blackberries have been on sale lately. Big fat plump juicy super sweet blackberries!!  So for my second dessert, I’ve been making a bowl of creamy dreamy Coconut Cream with about a half cup of chia gel stirred in to stretch it & make this dessert even healthier.

You can make your own fresh Coconut Cream, buy it frozen (I like Hawaiian Sun best) or get it in a box with no preservatives.

I use about 1/2 – 2/3 cup of Coconut Cream with some Chia gel added in. This adds fiber, more nutrition and stretches the coconut cream! Then I drizzle in a little agave nectar (you could use another sweetener) OR I blend it up with a few pitted dates and about 1 tsp Vanilla.

Then I thinly slice 2 bananas, add a huge handful of blackberries and WOW!!! This is an incredible and luxurious dessert that is packed with fiber, antioxidants, healthy fats and will satisfy you for hours. 

Coconut Cream is also HEAVENLY blended up with frozen fruit. I’ve tried it with Black Sapote and White Sapote too. Incredible! I mixed it with coconut milk to make it less fattening.

Once you start swapping delicious healthier treats and snacks for your past favorite choices, you feel so successful!

After this vacation I will let myself eat chocolate again. But hopefully not every night 🙂