Does Your Diet Make You Feel This GOOD?

Happy & Healthy

The food you eat should make you feel good enough to stand on your head!

Are you all having a fun & fabulous Summer so far? I’m sure you are! Being on a Raw Vegan Diet (almost 14 yrs Raw, 21 yrs Vegan!!) means I REALLY celebrate what’s in season, especially in summer.

I’ve been loving all the summer fruit like Peaches, Apricots, Pluots, Nectarines, Plums, Cherries, Raspberries, Blackberries, Blueberries, FIGS!!! and gigantic Mangoes. Wow!!!

These fruits have been BETTER THAN EVER this year…sweeter, juicier, yummier…what’s going on? I can’t stop buying & eating them!

I’ve been eating WAY too many Cherries actually (especially my beloved Rainier Cherries) and I don’t know about you, but I get a tummy ache if I eat too many 🙂 even though I ADORE them and they’re one of my VERY favorite fruits!

So in the midst of this fantastical Fruit Frenzy I keep reminding myself to eat & drink GREENS to stay alkaline and avoid over-fruiting myself. Ha! Staying alkaline is super important and helps keep you healthy.

Click here to see which Foods are ALKALINE and which Foods are ACIDIC!

To make sure I get enough Greens I try to have 3 BIG helpings everyday: a Green Smoothie, a Green Salad, and Green Juice.

Clean, Mean and GREEN!

Even though it’s summer and I’m obsessed with FRUIT I still try to have a big Green Smoothie every day. Usually for lunch or mid afternoon, since now that it’s summer I have a big Fruit Salad for breakfast.

I like to add Spirulina, Nettles, fresh Aloe Vera, and/or other Green Powder.

Are You Sprouting Out?

And I’ve been growing LOTS of Sprouts for Salads! I’ve been making huge luscious Green Salads from Spring Mix, baby greens & Butter Leaf Lettuce, with Sprouts, homemade raw vegan fermented Sauerkraut, avocado and a new Hummus Salad dressing I recently made up.

New Salad Dressing

It’s easy and CHEAP! Just stir a few TB Hummus (raw or your favorite brand), some honey for sweetness, juice from a fresh Orange & a Lime, salt and if you want to stretch it out while adding Fiber and more nutrition, you can add a few TB of Chia gel!

Go On, Get JUICY!

Finally, to get more Greens, I try to have a big Green Juice several times a week, if not every day. Cucumbers, Dandelion, Parsley, Cilantro, Ginger…that’s usually the base and I like to get creative too. Jicama, Apples are good to sweeten it up. And Dandelion with STARFRUIT is incredible!!

Two other INCREDIBLE sources of Greens are Wheatgrass Juice and Seaweed, and I’ve been a BIG slacker about both of those lately. Whew! It’s very time consuming to try to grow, prepare and eat all these super foods at once. Ha!!! 

But we can just try our best 🙂 do what you can in the time you have to eat FRESH and healthy and you’ll be amazed at how much energy you have and how GOOD you FEEL!