Delicious December

Happy & Healthy

It’s a Delicious December

Wow! Can you believe it’s almost Christmas? Whew, the days are whizzing by! Here are a BUNCH of excellent Raw Vegan Holiday Recipes in case you missed them.

I have been making raw cultured Kim Chee and I am SHOCKED and elated that each batch has been successful and super yummy! Apparently it’s really easy to mess up. It’s certainly a process!

I’ll have pictures of my Kim Chee soon. Here are a bunch of pictures of some of the Green Smoothies, Fruit, Super Salads and recipes I’ve been creating lately. It’s been so fun to experiment with new raw vegan flax crackers, breads and desserts!

I’m totally loving soft crusty raw vegan bread spread with lots of jam & herb tea for dessert right now 🙂 yum!! It’s cozy and comforting and perfect to nibble while you’re reading a really good book!

Check back soon for pictures of my Kim Chee and more new Raw Vegan & Gluten Free recipes 🙂