Beach Bonanza

Happy & Healthy

Aloha from Hawaii!

Usually I spend the summer in Southern California but this summer I’m back in Hawaii, enjoying the summer fruits like Lychee, Mangoes, Papayas, Mountain Apples and White Sapotes.

And of course endless Pineapples. Costco usually has the best, sweetest Pineapples for only $3.00!

Oranges and Lemons seem to be in season a few times a year. Thank heavens! I absolutely love using Meyer Lemon juice in my salad dressings.

My Green Smoothies have been terrific lately, featuring a lively and unusual highly nutritious mix of wild greens and herbs. And of course I’m growing a whole bunch of Micro Greens. All types!

Here are a bunch of Beach pictures and I’ll post more Fruit & wild Greens pictures soon!