Apricots & Nectarines Galore

Happy & Healthy


Yum, I absolutely LOVE all the stone fruits of summer. Peaches, nectarines, cherries, plums, apricots. The last couple weeks we’ve been picking tons of the prettiest little orange red Apricots & Nectarines!! They’re SO sweet and juicy. I froze some, made fruit leather out of more, and have been making the most amazing smoothies.

With the apricot smoothies, I like to strain them to get the fuzzies out and make them extra smooth. But last night I made a smoothie with about half or more of my 48 oz blender full of cut up nectarines, coconut water, apple juice, and I didn’t strain it. I liked the little red bits of peel floating in there. It was a really yummy dessert!

We’ve also been picked lots of chocolate Black Sapotes and shiny bright Brazilian Cherries. I’ve been mixing the black sapotes up into batter, adding dates, coconut flour, and a few TBs cacao powder and making outrageously delicious brownies in the dehydrator.

It’s crazy how much like chocolate they taste, all by themselves!! They are one of the most sensational fruits ever. I planted some seeds and hopefully they’ll grow. White sapotes are almost ripe and I’m really excited. Last year we picked so many!