Apricot Abundance & Melon Mania

Happy & Healthy


I love summer! We been picking boxes full of beautiful little red orange organic Apricots, Apples and Black Sapotes.

Now the Surinam brazilian Cherries are ripe too!There are so many. They’re covering the ground.

There were so many apricots I didn’t know what to do with them, so I’ve making drying them into fruit leather, freezing them for smoothies, and making divine Apricot Nectarine Smoothies with them. Yum!

At the store we’ve been spoiled with all the delicious melons, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries.

Now is the perfect time to freeze fresh fruit to use later! I’ve been juicing all the apples. Wow!! Heavenly. So different than pasteurized apple juice!

The Black Sapote crop isn’t as big as last year, but I’ve been making brownies out of them and they’re so chocolatey and yummy!

You can see the big bowl below of Black Sapote batter.

I just scoop the seeds out and mix in a few TBs of raw cacao, some agave, and normally I used a few TBs of coconut flour and several medjool dates but this year I’ve been experimenting with bananas instead.

It makes more of a sticky fudge y brownie.

I think I miss the coconut flour though, to give it that incredible chocolate cake texture. It’s funny, but Black Sapote brownies keep forever in the fridge. Amazing!

It’s also Melon Mania,  with the juiciest, sweetest, most luscious Honeydew Melons, cantaloupes, watermelons and so many more!