Hello from the Pacific Northwest! I’ve been here for a month enjoying the end of Summer, hiking, picking Blackberries, Huckleberries (3 kinds!!!) Apples and lots of edible weeds like Stinging Nettles, Wild Mustard, Dandelion, Sow Thistle, Sheep Sorrel, Cleavers, Purslane, and Horsetail, Bittercress.
I even found wild Watercress growing by the Beach!
I also made my very FIRST PIE! Thanks to this recipe I made a super YUMMY VEGAN Blueberry Blackberry Pie that my whole family loved 🙂
The 3 types of Huckleberries I’ve been picking are the more common red ones, and also Evergreen Huckleberries, a shiny black purple and a dusty indigo blue.