Hummingbird Rescue

Happy & Healthy

I absolutely love autumn in Southern CA! The warm days, balmy breezes, empty beaches, ripe Persimmons and spectacular Sunsets. It’s still Bikini weather here!

Every Fall I become obsessed with baking. Which is funny, because I’m a raw vegan. So I’m not much of a baker! But this Fall I surprised myself by making some super healthy vegan gluten free cookies that actually taste good. Very healthy tasting but still yummy and a huge success after years of baking disasters and embarrassments 🙂 Only a few ingredients, I experimented with either an apple or a banana with coconut flour, coconut oil, baking soda, coconut sugar, a dash of sea salt and vanilla for the dough.

Vegan Gluten Free Cookies

Dramatic Hummingbird Rescue!

One night, Brian was watching TV and heard a buzzing sound outside on the patio. It was a poor frightened hummingbird flopping around on the shade cloth because he couldn’t fly. Somehow Brian was able to scoop up the tiny bird and bring it to me. I leaned in close and could see thin black string wound all around one leg and wing.

I panicked….because I’ve never tried to work on a creature so small and delicate. I very carefully and slowly started pulling the string off. Yikes! I was so worried I would damage his minuscule leg or wing. I was finally able to painstakingly untangle all the thread.

Since it was fully dark outside I didn’t know if he could see. Or would fly…or even if his little wings still worked?? But to our delight and astonishment, he powered up and launched himself straight up into the air like a tiny feathered rocket. Then he zoomed off to the right..towards the Bird of Paradise his family lives in. Whew!! It was a miracle. I’m SO thankful Brian found him in the first place and we were able to help! Hummingbirds are my favorite animal and this is the third one I’ve rescued.

Here are some of the Superfood Salads I’ve been creating lately with fun ingredients like Seaweed, homemade fermented raw vegan Kim Chee and fresh Goji Berries I grew in the garden. Goji Berries grow SO well here!

And I’ve also been making a bunch of homemade Raw Dark Superfood Chocolate and this delightful Coconut Pudding with vanilla, chia seeds and Blueberries. Yum!!

Here are some beautiful Beaches on spectacular Sunny fall days here and of course my beloved Persimmons! Plus Brian’s art show in Costa Mesa.