Seattle Sunsets

Happy & Healthy

My favorite place to spend the last days of summer every year is in Seattle. Sunny warm days, sweet blackberries, huckleberries, wild Greens and spectacular sunsets!

It’s wonderful to be with friends and family in the beautiful forest I grew up in.

It was so nice to gorge on sun ripened Blackberries and make extra nutritious Green Smoothies with Dandelions, stinging Nettles, Horsetail, Purslane and Dock.

Just like in a fairy tale, all the woodland creatures love my mom and even the chickadees will land in her hand to get a peanut before they fly away.

I was sad to learn that Raccoons have a very high mortality rate…did you know that only half of the babies survive their first year? They’re highly intelligent, curious and affectionate with each other. In the wild they have an extremely short life span of only 2-3 years 🙁 due to food scarcity, traffic, and diseases. But in captivity Raccoons can live up to 20 years!