Stay Well This Winter by Eating a What??

Happy & Healthy
Happy New Year, everyone! Whew, I’m barely catching up from the fun & frenzy of the holidays. I spent Christmas in the Pacific NW with my family and it was magical & beautiful.
We took lots of big walks, read by the fire, and I made us all Green Smoothies every morning and a giant salad every night.
It’s funny, because for the last several weeks I’ve ONLY wanted a cabbage & onion salad for dinner. I’ve never really craved these two ingredients on my salads before, or wanted them at all!
Usually I prefer spring mix & baby greens & sprouts.
But every single night for a few months now I’ve made an enormous salad with shredded cabbage, carrots, diced onion, chopped tomatoes, cubed avocado with a couple yummy sweet freshly juiced organic oranges or tangerines & a sweet Meyer lemon (that we pick from the farm) with sea salt & cayenne sprinkled generously on top.
Sometimes I add some organic romaine hearts chopped up or baby greens.
Lots of nights I also soak chia seeds to make gel & add about 1 TB of raw almond butter to make a creamier dressing  than just the citrus. Yum!! I am so addicted to this crispy crunchy salad!
Tonight I added 2 giant handfuls of sunflower greens I just sprouted along with some fresh chopped basil. Omg, the best cabbage salad yet!! Wow!
Now, knock on wood, but so far this winter, I’ve haven’t gotten sick. At all! Is it because of the onions? I think it is. All around me, people have been getting awful colds & flus, while I keep eating these big salads.
I didn’t realize that onions are SO good for you! Do you know that they help your heart, lower blood pressure, have anti bacterial properties, may help prevent cancer, and are the best dietary source of quercitin, a potent antioxidant flavonoid?
They can help detox your body from heavy metals and contain a lot of sulfur, a beauty mineral which makes your hair thicker and shinier. It helps thin your blood and has historically been used to treat asthma. Learn more about the humble yet powerful onion!

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