What’s Black, Yellow & Yummy?

Happy & Healthy

Super Bee – Berry Smoothie

I splurged and bought some tasty treats from nuts.com recently, and I was super excited to try their dried Black Mulberries, because I LOVE mulberries! I got my goodies, and the mulberries are an amazing color but quite hard. So I soaked them for a few hours and was totally impressed! They were soft and super sweet! Mmmm I devoured them 🙂

This morning I took about a cup of soaked Black Mulberries (with the soak water), 1 ripe yellow Plantain, 1 TB yellow Bee Pollen powder, 16 oz Coconut Water and made the MOST incredible dark purple smoothie. Wow!!! It was sooooo good!! The mulberries tasted fresh. Crazy!

Star Struck by Sprouts

Look at these gorgeous sprouts!! I stare at them all day. They’re so beautiful and they’re growing so big! I’m amazed at my new Shoebox Sprouting method. After all these years of struggling with jars! And trying to grow spindly moldy wheatgrass. Hooray!!! Finally, glorious healthy tall wheatgrass with NO DIRT…nothing but water!

I’m sprouting Buckwheat right now and I can’t wait to add that to the Shoebox Salad Bar. It’s easiest to have certain sprouts grow in clumps together, according to how fast they grow. Sunflower greens grow the fastest it seems, followed by mung and fenugreek, and finally my red clover, alfalfa and broccoli blend.

This sprouting method has changed my whole diet! I’m full faster, for longer. I eat less for dessert and don’t crave half as many snacks at night! Last night, I actually had to put 2 pieces of chocolate back in the fridge because I couldn’t eat them!

Raw Chocolate Love

This week I delightedly made 2 batches of raw vegan  dark Chocolate. A batch sweetened with Coconut Nectar, and Bee Pollen added, and a batch of libido enhancing Love Chocolate. Whoo Hoo! I’m loving these new herbal infused chocolates. I used my brand new Herbal Elixir Flirty Female that contains libido enhancing herbs for women.

I think the Love Chocolate tastes the best. Oooooh it’s SO yummy!! It has a divine taste. It’s funny, the herbs seem to make it taste better! I should be careful so I don’t eat too much of that one 🙂 ha!!! I’m not sure about coconut nectar as the sweetener, it was pretty subtle.

I adore the unique sweet taste of palm sugar, which is what I normally use, and what I used in the Love Chocolate. I gave a piece of each to my mailman (one of my Official Taste Testers) to see which he liked better. The libido chocolate, though designed for women, may work on men too, there are some common herbs that are used for both! Plus it’s super delicious, so I don’t think he’ll mind. Stay tuned…. 🙂