Teeny Weeny Cleany

Happy & Healthy

Hate Housework?

Do you hate housework? Dread doing dishes? Tremble at the thought of taking out the trash or scrubbing the toilet? Then read on! Unless you LOVE cleaning, dusting and organizing. Then you must be a domestic diva!

Try This!

Recently I discovered a remarkable phenomena. That I could force myself to do dreaded, mundane tasks and chores by breaking them up into short increments. Thus, the Teeny Weeny Cleany! Instead of trying to tackle huge projects, I would do them in stages.

I’d divide hours of tedious tasks and chores into fairly short painless 20 minute bursts of busy, boring activity instead. Plus it’s perfect for quick cleaning jobs. Vacuuming! Dusting, scrubbing, cleaning the bathroom! Weeding, gardening, watering, sweeping!

It’s Fast & You’ll Feel Fantastic When You’re Finished!

If you’re motivated, you can get breeze right through the tasks and chores you’ve been procrastinating over for months! Especially if it’s only for 20 minutes. And even if it turns into 30, you feel SO proud of yourself when you’re done. So accomplished! Because you did it!!

I feel terrific when I do one or two Teeny Weeny Cleanies a day. And things stay nicer and cleaner!

I actually love the Teeny Weeny Cleany method SO much that I use it for almost everything I don’t want to do. Organizing, making phone calls, paying bills, etc. When I’m trying to motivate myself, I say Teeny Weeny Cleany! Teeny Weeny Cleany! It’s like a battle cry, spurring me to action. Ha!

Secret Weapon to Stay Organized

I find writing a list of things I need/want to get done everyday is essential. Otherwise I would forget and just daydream and eat chocolate all day! 🙂 No matter how small the task is, I write it down. Then I cross it off when it’s done.

One big long list usually lasts me a few days, since I keep adding to it. It’s amazing how much more you’ll accomplish every day! It’s like a secret weapon to stay organized and get more done! And if I still have tasks & chores left, I just carry them forward onto the next list.

Have a Hostess House

I’m always completely impressed when I visit someone and their entire house is super clean, tidy and looks guest and party ready, for no reason at all. They’re not having a party! It’s just always that clean. Without a maid! They keep it that clean all by themselves.

Wow. I would love to have a party ready house all the time! But by checking off big dusty cleaning jobs off my list and keeping up on the day to day small ones, things look much better. Not party ready yet, but maybe pop in ready!