Stunning Shoebox Sprouts

Happy & Healthy

Wow!! I am incredibly excited right now because I’m growing the absolute most BEAUTIFUL, biggest and healthiest Sprouts and Wheatgrass I’ve EVER grown!! WOW!! I had actually given up on growing wheatgrass a few years ago because every time I tried it was moldy, skinny, sparse and really pathetic looking. It was embarrassing!! 🙂

Inspired by the automatic sprouters at the Expo, I decided to try growing them both in these plastic shoebox containers I had. I had no IDEA they would grow so successfully. I’ve had a couple different sprouters, and I was very under whelmed at the results. So I switched back to mason jars.

But this new system is revolutionary! This spectacular Shoebox Sprouter is going to revolutionize my diet. I’ll be eating WAY more sprouts and micro greens. Can you tell I’m EXCITED???

These sprouts are so tall and easy to maintain! I fill each container with a few inches of water twice a day, let it slosh around, making sure all the sprouts get wet, then pour out.

Easy!! It’s like having a Sprout Salad Bar. I just grab a handful whenever I want and the rest keep growing. The secret I think, is to start them as seeds in mason jars, and as soon as they get little tails, transfer them to the shoebox, keeping them away from light until they’re big enough.

It’s fun to grow a few different sections using different sprouts too! So far, I’ve done a blend of clover, alfalfa and broccoli all growing together, and then fenugreek and mung beans in another clump, since the two types each have their own growing times.

Next I’ll add in some radish, plus start sunflower greens too. Yum!! Ooooh, and buckwheat greens!!! It really will be a salad bar!! These shoeboxes are so easy to transport too. Just stick the lid on and take them with you…to work, camping, road trip, weekend at a friends, or to a party!!!

All you’d need to bring is a spray bottle to spritz them with water a few times a day.

I finally juiced the entire shoebox of wheatgrass today. No soil!! No mess, no fuss. Just perfect organic dirt free wheatgrass!! It sprouted and grew perfectly. I’ll have to keep 3 trays going at once to have enough to make juice a few times a week. Sooooo much easier than trying to grow wheatgrass in trays with dirt!!!!

You can eat them in salads, blend them into smoothies, roll them up in wraps or juice them!

Last weekend I got Jackfruit, which I haven’t had in ages and I am IN LOVE with 🙂 it’s only $6/lb at the asian market, and it’s super fresh, just opened. I also had tons of fun making the BEST raw vegan dark Chocolate I’ve ever made, with my Faery Dreams flower elixir.

It’s a magical, enchanting blend of Rose & Sacred Blue Lotus and it’s amazing how good it tastes in chocolate! Next I’ll make a chocolate with my energy tincture and several others. So much for giving up Chocolate on my Hawaii Bikini Diet. Ha!!