Chocolate in my Mailbox!

Happy & Healthy

Well there goes my Bikini Diet! Because 7 lbs of luscious dark vegan Chocolate magically & miraculously just appeared in my mailbox. Whoo hoo!! That surprise made this just about the best week ever!!

7 huge heavy shiny bars of truly delectable chocolate from the incredible and generous people at Guittard, who’s booth I visited at the Natural Products Expo.

The most fabulous thing about these bars (which you can’t buy in stores because they’re only for chefs, bakers and chocolatiers!! The minimum order is 500 lbs!!!) is that each one is unique delicious and different because the cacao in each one is from a totally different place.

Madagascar, Sur Del Lago, Columbia, Ecuador, Machu Pichu, and Kokoleka Hawaii. (And one creamy milk chocolate bar also from Hawaii) Omg!!!! I’m in heaven, sampling all these bars. So far, the dark Hawaii chocolate bar is my favorite, because it tastes sweeter than the rest.

I also love the Madagascar & Sur Del Lago. The others are wonderful too, just a little less sweet and more dark tasting.

If you want any of these giant bars yourself, please contact me. Hopefully I’ll be able to order smaller quantities than 500 lbs 🙂 and offer everybody a great deal on this divine chocolate!

I got SO excited tasting all this chocolate and giving it away that I was wildly inspired to make some raw vegan dark chocolate, which I haven’t made in over a year. A year!! So I made a small batch of Faery Dreams Chocolate today, based on my Faery Dreams herbal elixir.

This elixir has an enchanting and magical blend of  herbs and flowers including the mystical and spiritual Sacred Blue Lotus, that are supposed to help you feel happier, more relaxed, loving and promotes good dreams. I also added red rose petals & sacred blue lotus petals to the chocolate.

I was worried that the herbal tincture would make it taste funny….but to my complete amazement, it’s the best chocolate I’ve ever made!! Wow!!! It’s got a sweet & subtle flowery flavor. Fairies everywhere would love it 🙂

Brian and I are excited to whip up some chocolate blends with the Guittard…if we can stop eating it plain that is. Ha!!

Here are more Hawaii pictures, modeling BikiniFlirt Bikinis, with my friend Robin, inventor, creator, designer, builder, photographer, adventurer. Such a talented guy!!