Superb Superfood Samples!

Happy & Healthy

This last weekend we went to the huge Natural Products Expo at the Anaheim Convention center along with 65,000 other health enthusiasts. It was SO MUCH FUN!!

It’s a high vibe, high energy event filled with delicious food and fabulous people.

So much to see, sample and learn. Superfoods, super snacks, juices, treats, natural cosmetics, cleaners, pet products, clothing, and more. Wow!!

Brian & I had nice flat tummies when we strolled through the doors last Friday. But they weren’t so flat by Sunday, after an entire weekend of sampling and treat tasting. Ha!! So much for my Hawaiian Bikini Diet!

I had LOTS of favorite booths. The two products that excited me the MOST were the Aronia Berry Juices, from Superberries and Aronia Original, and Mulberry Love mulberry juice. I absolutely adore berries and cherries and want to incorporate MORE into my diet.

They’re SO good for you! Aronia berries are a newly recognized superfood berry, and they’re native to North America.

There were also a couple booths like Stahlbush Island Farms with incredible frozen berries, all kinds, raspberries, blackberries, marionberries, logan berries. Ooooh heavenly!!!!!

Evergreen wheatgrass is one of my favorites every year. Their wheatgrass is grown outside in Canada and is magical and wonderful. I could drink gallons.

Kind bars was fun and surprising with savory bars this year!! Curry, BBQ, Honey Mustard, Jalapeno!?

There were several delicious green kale veggie juices using cold pressed juice. Yum!! So nice  to find veggie juice that aren’t pasteurized. They taste so fresh!

There were several companies there, with crispy salty savory kale chips. Soooooo good!!!

Orchard Choice had sweet dried Turkish figs, Victoria Fine Foods had creamy cashew based VEGAN Alfredo sauces and Urban Moonshine had beautifully bottled herbal elixirs.

There were also a few incredibly creamy & delicious cashew, coconut and almond milk vegan ice creams. And of course, soooooo MUCH CHOCOLATE!!!

I didn’t see as many raw vegan chocolate bars this year?? Though a few of my favorites like Divine Organics, Living Intentions and Go Raw and were there with extremely tasty healthy treats.

There were tons of extra dark vegan bars. And vegan Cocomels caramels made from coconut milk!

Guittard delighted me with several different vegan dark chocolates made from cacao beans from all over the world. It was SO fascinating that each bar tasted so different. Just because of the part of the world the cacao bean had come from!! Each flavor was incredible.

Daiya vegan cheese was there with a huge booth, and Amy’s, and so was Naked, with a new green drink, Kale Blazer. Yum!! LaraBar was there, I love all their raw bars.

Tribest was there with their gorgeous sprouts and the Sprout Man, Steve Meyerowitz. He’s been promoting sprouts for a long time, and they’re one of the VERY healthiest things you can eat!

I know I’m forgetting some amazing companies and products, since the weekend is always such a happy whirl of excitement. It’s a fantastic event and I look forward to it ALL year 🙂