What are Your New Year’s Resolutions?

Happy & Healthy


Happy New Year! Hope you all had absolutely fun, fabulous holidays with family & friends! Wishing you peace, love, abundance and health in the new year. What are your New Year’s resolutions?

I resolve to practice Belly Dancing, play guitar more, and start painting again. I may (blush!!) have made these same resolutions last year. But this year I WILL make time for them!

Now that I’m back in S. Cal, the weather is ridiculously warm, like summer, and I’ve been juicing like crazy. Greens! Cranberries! Picking enormous collards from the neighbors garden and fresh mac nuts from the farm.

I enjoyed a glorious, super fun, relaxing, cozy and yummy Christmas in Seattle with my family. It was wonderful, snuggled up reading by the fire, going on big hikes, strolling around University Village with all the lights.

Feeding adorable Chickadees peanuts from my hand. My mom has them trained to eat out of her hands 🙂 They’re SO tiny….it’s really special to be able to hand feed them. It even snowed one day!

I blended up HUGE green smoothies everyday for us in the Vitamix, fixed big salads, fruit smoothies and of course ate a lot of dark chocolate too. Oops!! It’s a major food group with our family. Ha!!!

My parents do not skimp when it comes to healthy organic food or high quality dark chocolate. Mmmm, I was blending up power greens, baby kale for the green smoothies and dark red cherries for the fruit smoothies. YUM!!

The funny thing is, I always seem to lose weight when I’m up there, even with all the chocolate eating. I don’t know if it’s because I run up more hills outside, run up more stairs, or if it’s because it’s colder up there?? SO Mysterious.

I read a bunch of really excellent inspiring motivational books while I was up there. My favorites were 21 Pounds in 21 Days, by Roni DeLuz, Affirmations, Your Passport to Happiness by Dr. Anne Marie Evers, and Change Almost Anything in 21 Days, by Ruth Fishel. Wow! I love really good inspirational books. I get all excited!!

The diet book (which I read while slowly eating bites of chocolate, ha!!) is about a 21 day “fast” where you only consume liquids, like fresh juices, water and tea. I personally would keep drinking my smoothies, because I workout a lot.

But this is an absolutely fabulous book and I bet her detox diet totally works! She says it will detox your whole body. You will glow and be radiant! It sounds wonderful. Whatever your special New Year’s resolutions are, write them down, tell people about them and make time for them!

Sometimes just working them into your busy schedule is enough to make doing them (or not doing them if you’re trying to stop something!!) a habit. Let’s make 2014 our happiest, healthiest best year yet!