Horrifically Healthy??

Happy & Healthy


Recently I was overjoyed to watch the completely fabulous, riveting and fantastic documentary Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. I was watching Ghost Adventures when a commercial advertising it came on. Wow! I clicked over to Netflix and was watching it within minutes. Now that’s successful marketing!

This movie is SO good. So inspiring!!!!! It makes you want to juice right away!!!!! I was watching it at 1am and I wanted to gallop into the kitchen and juice every vegetable I could find. Ha! So I was extra excited to go to the Asian market last weekend and buy lots of fresh crisp greens and veggies I don’t usually juice.

Besides eets, carrots, celery, bell pepper, lemon, ginger, fresh turmeric, garlic, I happily juiced gotu kola, tatsoi, a Mystery Green and a couple beautiful organic pears we picked on the farm.

I stayed excited until I took a sip. Uh oh!!!!! Oh no. Not again. Guess what the Mystery Green was?

Never again, mustard greens! You have tricked me for the last time. Ha!!

But I guess one of these greens from the asian market was a naughty relative of mustard greens because yipes!! That veggie juice turned out SO spicy hot & sulphury. YUCK!!!! It was horrible. Horrendous. Horrific! Good Halloween Juice, because it was really scary. I made the mistake of juicing mustard greens before, a long time ago. Gag!!

I guess it’s good to juice greens my body doesn’t usually get because of the nutrients?? But this juice was probably the worst tasting I’ve ever made. Not that I try to make them delicious, since the turmeric usually makes them bitter anyway. But whew!! Mustard greens are WAY worse than kale stems, which I’ve also made the mistake of juicing in a large quantity. Ha!! So I look forward to next weeks Juicing Adventure, which will not include Mustard Greens 🙂